‘Mankind’s history is like looking at a feacal, stagnant swamp of violence, ignorance, greed, maliciousness and destruction. Every so often a blubble appears as if by magic and releases from this mass of excrement and escapes into the Universe. These bubbles are the Socrates, Shakespeare’s, Da Vinci’s, Rembrandt’s, Mozart’s, Newton’s, Tolstoy’s, Dickens, Cervantes, Curie’s, Picasso’s, Feynman’s etc of the world. And it is these visionary bubbles that fuels and deludes the rest of the swamps arrogance into thinking they are somehow connected to these wondrous and visionary bubbles, where in fact they are only connected to the swamp of shit.’
Written by the Baboon Painter in 1997,
M Harrison-Priestman